FALL 2015
In an otherwise hurried world, it is a great pleasure to observe children having fun through creative expression, building friendships and taking the time to seek out peace in nature. Thanks to all of the children (and their parents), who helped make Summer Yoga Camp 2015 memorable.
FALL CLASSES will run after Thanksgiving and through November with the dates and times being posted soon. In the meantime I will be taking time to study, teach and play. I aspire to return with new programming, more time for energy healing and still time to play.
Contact me directly at [email protected] for more information, for availability and ages per class and to register.
I hope to see you soon! Yoga Barb
Time PROGRAMME Date Length Fee Notes
TUES Private - appointment only
7:00-9:30 Reiki Circle Usually last Tues Sept Oct. Nov Donation Please contact to reserve space
WED Private - appointment only
Thurs Private - appointment only
5:00-6:00 KidsYoga Oct. 29-Dec. 3 6 weeks $70
6:30-7:30 *Parent/Child (approx. 8 yrs and under) Oct. 29-Dec. 3 6 weeks $105 Age is a guide only
SAT Private - appointment only
Kid’s and P/C classes include yoga poses, mindfulness, journaling, related story/activity & take home items (see weekly theme at end)
Roots & Wings is similar with fewer yoga poses and more related yogic activities to support specific needs
*P/C: Parent & Child = fee for 2 people, $10 for each extra family member per class if space permits
Private Support for children with special concerns: Roots and Wings, Reiki and/or Metamorphosis by appt.
Reiki treatments & training for adults & children by appointment.
Email for details of Upcoming Events: Reiki Levels 1,2,3; Children’s Yoga Education for Adults
To register or for further information please contact Barb or Jenn:
- [email protected] or (519) 474-3579
Prompt payments help us continue these valuable programmes.
Please make cheques payable to Barb Westgate; MAIL to 766 North Mile Road, London, ON N6H 2X8
Our website: will continue to change as classes are added or deleted
Specific Class Information
Classes may be added/deleted please contact first to check availabilty or to book your own group
Ongoing enrolment - space permitting (fee adjusted)
All studio programmes are now at 766 North Mile Road, London, ON only.
We specialize in offering techniques to help children manage anxiety and other life challenges
All classes have some “Roots & Wings” components within them; Private Sessions: Roots & Wings, Reiki and Metamorphosis upon request.
“Through play we find our way”
Fall Programming:
Week 1: Peaceful and Calm (Breathing Techniques)
Week 2: Messages in Water (The Power of Words)
Week 3: Magic Begins with Me! (Random Acts of Kindness)
Week 4: Rainbows All Around (Energy in Colours)
Week 5: Vibration Station (Using Our Senses)
Week 6: Don't Worry! Be Happy! (Recognizing and Responding to Feelings)