Time PROGRAMME Date Length Fee Notes
MON Private - appointment only
6:00 – 6:45 Parent/Child Oct. 17 – Dec. 5 7 weeks $115 No class Oct.31
7:00 – 7:45 Tweens/Teens Oct. 17 – Dec. 5 7 weeks $ 85 No class Oct.31
Fees above include the cost of a journal for each child
Private - appointment only
6:00 – 6:45 Parent/Child Oct. 18 – Dec. 6 8 weeks $130 Fee includes cost of a journal
Private - appointment only
7:00 – 9:30 Reiki Circle Usually last Thursday of the month Donation Please contact to reserve space
FRI Private - appointment only
SAT Private - appointment only
Kid’s and P/C classes include yoga poses, mindfulness, related story/activity, take home items & sometimes journals
Roots & Wings: similar to above with fewer yoga poses and more related yogic activities to support specific needs; usually private
*P/C: Parent & Child = fee for 2 people, $10 for each extra family member per class if space permits
Private Support for children with special concerns: Roots and Wings, Reiki and/or Metamorphosis by appt.
Reiki treatments & training for adults & children by appointment.
Jennifer offers private speech, (including Reiki and/or Reflexology) to children or private Reflexology to adults
For Speech or Reflexology please contact Jennifer directly at [email protected], for times, location and price
To register or for further information please contact Barb BEFORE sending Registration forms and/or payment
at [email protected] or (519) 474-3579
Prompt payments help us continue these valuable programmes.
Please make cheques payable to Barb Westgate; MAIL to 766 North Mile Road, London, ON N6H 2X8
Our website: www.childrensgardenyoga.com will continew to change as classes are added or deleted
Specific Class Information
Classes may be added/deleted please contact first to check availabilty or to book your own group
Ongoing enrolment - space permitting (fee adjusted)
All Yoga Barb’s studio programmes are now at 766 North Mile Road, London, ON only
We specialize in offering techniques to help children manage anxiety and other life challenges
Most classes have “Roots & Wings” components within them; Roots & Wings group or private upon request.
“Through play we find our way”