Be Brave! Be Magical! Be Magnificent!
Sway gently from side to side like a river floating from bank to bank
Relax with the flow of the river, meandering through the meadow
b) Circle body around and around, from your waist, when you reach a whirlpool
Feel your body warming as you begin to build up speed as the whirlpool moves faster and faster and then slows down as you move out of it back to the gently flowing water until you see a bend in the river
This is a magical waterfall. Turn around 3 times and jump right into its centre where you find yourself passing right through to the other side into an enchanted forest.
Feel strong, solid, confident
Trees provide food, shelter, paper, shade, toilet paper AND OXYGEN! Trees are our breathing buddies. Trees are important and so are you!
Imagine what it would feel like to soar over the forest or to look out from the top of your tree. What do you see?
Feel the mystical and magical pieces of you fall into place
Feel as light as a fairy dancing with gossamer wings flitting and flying over the forest.
Are you a frog or are you a prince? A frog prince?
Feel graceful and perfect just as you are.
Be so still. Be so quiet. Be so relaxed.
Breathe in love, breathe out love.