Imagine your belly is like a balloon
Put your hand or a toy on your balloon belly
Breathe IN - feel your balloon belly grow bigger (rise up or move out)
Breathe OUT - feel your balloon belly deflate (Just like a balloon losing air)
Breathe slowly and deeply - feel the air go right down lower in your lungs which in turn pushes your lower belly out
This breath play helps calm your body and your mind
When you feel worried, scared, sad, angry, frustrated or any other big emotion, use this breath to calm:
Breathe IN a SHORTER time (4 counts) than you breathe OUT (6 counts) to CALM
This breath can also help you feel more energetic
When you feel tired, bored or lethargic, use this breath to energize:
Breathe IN LONGER (6 counts) than you breathe OUT (4 counts or squeeze air out saying HA!)
The in and out breath in each case should be comfortable to you, not necessarily the numbers above
Practice this breath play when you don't need to control and big emotions so that it is easy to do when you do need to feel calmer and in control